Welcome to our new Website!




We hope you are staying safe during this time. We are entering week 7 of the retail store being fully shut down. It has hit us especially hard as our online store has been down for quite some time.

So where are we today? We have just launched our new website at www.mvtea.com and surprisingly many of our favorite customers have already found a way to place an order. Tea shipments have gone out smoothly and we hope those that received their teas last week are at home enjoying a nice warm cup.

If your favorite tea is not listed, please send an email to orders@mvteavillage.com or use the contact form on our website.

Lastly, for those that don’t know, Stephen passed away just a little over 2 years ago. Our heart goes out to anyone who has experienced this type of tragedy. He will be missed.

To Subscribe/Unsubscribe: Click the Subscribe button on the bottom of the home page to be added. To be removed from the list please email us at unsubscribe@mvtea.com


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